
Showing posts from 2015

2016 Go Bananas for the Year of the Monkey! Contest #1

Hey everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I'm going to try something silly this year! Okay, fine. Sillier than usual. I've decided that I'm bucking normal conventions for advertising and marketing and just doing a whole bunch of giveaways, free book promos, and other crazy stuff. Each month, I plan to host a giveaway using either Rafflecopter, or Amazon instead of another Goodreads giveaway. The idea is that I can be more flexible in my prizes and I can also add on extra 'instant win' type items in the way of free ebooks and the like. Below is the entry widget for the first contest, which is a chance to win a signed paperback copy of Kind of Like Life, my YA sci-fi adventure. Do enter and do tell others to enter as well, but note that the Rafflecopter giveaway is open only to US residents over the age of 18. Additionally, make sure to check my author page every Saturday in January to see which of my books I'm giving away for free in kindle format!

Look Both Ways: the Obligatory Year End Blog Post

2015 is nearly over. Aside from being fifteen years deep into the era known as "the future" and me being firmly supplanted in middle age, what does this even mean? Loads of things, I guess, but I'm going to focus on a few things as they pertain to me because I am completely selfish that way. On a personal level, 2015 had its ups and downs. I had some personal triumphs as well as setbacks. Though I am not one to talk about my personal life in a public setting, I would consider it a dishonor if I did not mention the most difficult moment of 2015 was losing Penny, our oldest dog, back in October. I can only hope to look as pretty at 98 I wish I could say we've found a balance since then, but I'm still coming to terms with the loss and I know I'm not the only one who notices the imbalance. She was certainly one of a kind and she is missed. Sorry for the downer, but life doesn't always give us sunshine and roses. Which is why I will continue m

SIA Presents: The Ghost of Christmas Book Blast! Meet the Authors!

Happy Holidays! Tis the season when once again, the good folks over at Support Indie Authors are hosting another free book event. On Saturday, the 19 th of December, forty authors will be offering more than fifty books in a wide variety of genres absolutely free! What better way to de-stress, decompress, and take a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays than to curl up with a good book? Once again, all of the free books will be listed on the official Book Blast website: As is our tradition, each of the authors participating in the book blast has told us a little about themselves. Each name links to the author’s Goodreads profile, so feel free to give them a follow if you like what you see. Below are interviews for ten of the forty participating authors. At the end of this post are links to three other blogs with the additional thirty authors. Please be sure to visit each and thank you for continuing to #SupportIndieAutho

Unconventional Wisdom

Continuing with the theme I began in my last post, and in response to the need for yet more positivity in the world, I'm going to break from my whimsical musings of robotic shenanigans. You see, it's December, which means that you can't watch TV,browse the internet, or even leave your house without being bombarded by advertisements for the latest and greatest consumables. Ads are everywhere. It's a fact of life. People have things to sell and December might as well change its name to Consumber. Which is why I'm going to stop all advertising of my products for the month. Well, full disclosure: I am going to stop advertising for products that people will need to *pay* for. Very soon we will be having yet another Book Blast and yes, I will promote the heck out of those free books. But I am not going to ask anyone to spend money. I've replaced the pinned tweets on both of my Twitter accounts with messages of joy for the season . This is not a marketing stunt a

Thinking of Others

Tis the season. What season? The stress filled season of course! It happens earlier and earlier each year. People begin to be inundated with forced happiness, which brings about the very opposite. Tempers flare, blood pressure goes up, stress eating happens, and throughout it all, we are constantly reminded that there are those in the world that are less fortunate than us. Let's take a look at that last part for a minute. Yes, while you're getting upset at the fact that Starbucks took the minimalist route this year or that the mall is already playing Christmas carols, there are people who are starving, getting sick because of the environment that they live in, are living under the oppression of a militaristic regime, have to deal with the stress of being killed by land mines, soldiers, IEDs, or any number of awful things. Ugh! You're thinking. The world is effed up! So what? What can I do? I'm one person! I can't stop corruption in government. I can't end w

Write On! Indie Author Spotlight Week: Time for the Lost Cover Reveal

And finishing off my week of Write On! Indie Author Spotlights, we have a very exciting Friday (and not just because it's Friday the thirteenth)). Today, I am honored to be able to bring you an exciting first look at the cover for Chess Desalls' third installment of her series, The Call to Search Everywhen: Time for the Lost. Absolutely stunning! Read on to learn more about this series and it's amazing author. Calla's disappearance leads her family and friends to suspect that she’s lost. In a desperate attempt to find her, Valcas seeks help from a man he betrayed. A new search begins, one that sounds promising, even if it forces Valcas to confront his past. The travel team reunites for a mission they never saw coming: a journey to a world caught between life and death, and hidden within the deepest recesses of time. Ivory rediscovers a friend and Ray learns the meaning behind his tattoo. But the connections they make between travelers and the lost may twist the c

Write On! Indie Author Spotlight Week: Series Spotlight: The Regeneration Chronicles

Today's spotlight is on the works of author Ellison Blackburn. Her Regeneration Chronicles fall into the fascinating and oft overlooked category of literary sci-fi. As such, this is series that will appeal to a wide variety of readers, not just those of us on the science fringe. Regeneration X is the first in the series ( you can read my review here ) and Progeny, the second book, has just released on November 5th. Read on to discover more. Available on Amazon Regeneration X is a story about having choices and dealing with the consequences; creating new memories and letting others fade; and making sacrifices in pursuit of happiness. Regeneration X (Regeneration Chronicles #1) To be or to have been … If Charlotte Rhys Fenn could do it all over, knowing what she knows now, she would be different. Charley leads a comfortable life with her best friend and perfect match, Michael, a man with whom she shares two lovely pet children (canine and feline), and a home in

Write On! Indie Author Spotlight Week: New Release: Dreamvision

Today we have a new release from SL Bynum, author of Grim Crush ( you can see my review here ). Her latest work, Dreamvision, is a slight departure from her previous work, but promises to be quite exciting. Read on for more information. Available from Amazon Description   Dreams do come true, but in Abigail’s case, she wishes that were anything BUT true.   Eight years ago, when people still used landline phones and desktop computers, sixteen-year-old Abigail had everything a happy teenager could ask for—a loving family, two best friends, and a sexy prom date. But all of this blows apart when her dreams, which involve terrible accidents, start to actually occur in her hometown. Soon Abigail’s life consists of putting together vague clues from her dreams to save the lives of those she cares about, but she isn’t always successful. As she sinks into isolation, paranoia, and heartache, she resolves to stop the nightmares altogether, relying on someone who is not what they app

Write On! Indie Author Spotlight Week: Coming Soon: Friends without Benefits

Hey, who's this? Who let Christina McMullen in? Aw geez! There goes the neighborhood! Yes, I'm sneaking my own book into Indie Author Spotlight week because well, truth be told, I had four authors scheduled and I happen to have a book coming out at the end of the month myself, so my somewhat obsessive need for order demanded I fill out the whole week. Friends without Benefits is the fourth book in the Rise of the Discordant series. Read on to find out more, but first, look! A cover! Yes, I am pretty proud of this one. * * * Description Donna's love life is at an all-time low. Despite breaking her family curse (ensuring she would not give birth to the demon spawn destined to bring Chaos to power), she still can't get a date. Worse, the incubus who was supposed to sire the all –powerful demon spawn won't leave her alone. But instead of keeping her up all night with passionate dreams, he just wants to talk. Meanwhile, the fissure that appeared un