Special Announcement: Returning to Maxima City

Back in 2016, a Twitter conversation about the lives of sidekicks and henchmen sparked a story idea that became A Shot at the Big Time. Initially, it was meant to be a one-off standalone story, but while I was writing, comic book movies were gaining more and more ground, and inevitably offering up more and more tropes and plot devices just ripe for the parodying. So when I was formatting the paperback, I made a decision to add "Volume One" to the title, ensuring that there would eventually be more titles. I even came up with about six potential plots. But after that, The Kyroibi Trilogy became my main focus for the next year and a half. At that point, I was in the early stages of burn out, so I took a hiatus from writing to draw. Last summer, while still on hiatus, I dragged out my Maxima City notebook and started writing the second book. I got about one and a half chapters finished before I realized that as much as I wanted this story to happen, I wasn't in the rig...