Leveling Up With The Existential Dread Fish

As I briefly mentioned in my last post, I now have a Zazzle shop to showcase some of the art I've done that I'm most proud of. My reasoning is that my art is more of the fun doodle you put on the fridge for a while variety and not so much of the hang on a wall and pay out the butt to frame variety, so why not put it on magnets and other household goods that could have a practical purpose? Is there a more practical purpose than housing warm, caffeinated beverages? But I can't pretend this was all my own idea. CB Archer did most of the legwork and convinced me this would be a fun new adventure (check out his store here ). And it was, but not entirely for the reasons I thought. In fact, it seems fitting that CB would be the one to get me started on the Zazzle path because in many ways, it was just like playing a video game. And like all good games, I had to add hearts. There were tasks, each of which would give a certain percentage towards completion. So...