Playing Catch-up, Major Announcements, and Making No Promises

Oh hey! Look! It's 2023! Oh yeah, it's been 2023 for a whole month now. My last post was in early November. Shocking, I know. But by now we're all used to my inconsistencies, so I am neither going to dwell, nor am I going to apologize. Let us instead, get on with the good stuff, beginning with... A Space Girl From Earth is now an audiobook! Cue the angelic choral arrangement To date, this is my second audiobook. I'd love to continue this series and do a few more, but it might be a while because I'm not going to pretend audiobooks aren't expensive to produce. But this one was well worth it as the narrator did a fantastic job of bringing Ellie's story to life. You can get it on Amazon, Audible, and Itunes. And, if you're not already an Audible subscriber and you're looking to sign up, you can help me get on my way to bringing out more audiobooks by using this link and buying A Space Girl From Earth as your first audiobook . Seriously. I make maybe a ...