I've Been Doing This For How Long?

This November marks the fifth anniversary of the publishing of The Eyes of The Sun. To say that this is a pretty big deal for me would be an understatement. On the contrary, I'm blown away by a good number of things this represents. Not the least of which would be the overwhelmingly positive response I've received for my crazy ramblings. This isn't false modesty. I'm rather proud of all my creations and personally, I think they're rather good. But for other people to also share in the enjoyment of that which my brain has decided to let loose gives me indescribable happiness. And if I can continue being immodest for a moment, I have to say, five years ago, as I was preparing to publish what would be my first indie ebook ever, I had no idea I'd have the ability to do it again. And yet here we are, five years later, and I've got two completed series and another half done, three standalone novels, three short stories, and more ideas in my head than ...